Samsung has been going down in flames the past month with its Note7 smartphone after there were reports that it was melting, catching fire or exploding when users where charging it. Here is the series of events so far:
- September 2nd: Samsung issued a worldwide recall, saying they would replace every Note7
- September 10th: Samsung urged users to immediately participate in the recall process.
- September 21st: ZICTA issues a statement for the Note7 in Zambia, urging Samsung Zambia to find the best way to withdraw the device from the Zambian market, and replace faulty ones already with users who may have purchased the Note7 abroad.
- October 3rd: Samsung announces that the new replacement Note7 is available for purchase.
- October 10th: Samsung has announced the temporary halt of production and sales by partner retailers of the Note7, until further notice, after new cases of battery problems in replacement Note7s catching fire are reported. Samsung says it will continue to investigate these new cases.
The last point is according to YonHap, who have reported that Samsung will halt the manufacture of more Note7 devices at its plant in Vietnam which has been responsible for shipping the Note7s.
The recall may cost Samsung over $2 billion according to The Japan Times based on analysts’ information, but we expect it will continue to rise as more devices develop faults, hopefully not. We shall see what happens but we’d suggest they scrap off the Note7 entirely and move on to Note8.
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