Forget Paper, Ngombe PTA School Has A New Computer Library From Stanbic

Stanbic donates to Ngombe School
Stanbic donates to Ngombe School

We see so many companies reaching out to the less privileged in the country as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Stanbic Bank is one of those, donating a  computer laboratory to Ng’ombe PTA School in Lusaka.

They replaced the school’s old library with a computer one, really transitioning from paper to gadgets. The items Stanbic contributed were 20 refurbished computers, a ZEDUPAD with a projector and other items all valued at K25,000.

At the handover event, Mr Danny Liswili who is Chief Compliance Officer for Stanbic Bank said ‘Stanbic Bank was committed to the communities in which it operates and that the support to the community school was a reflection of the bank’s support for empowerment of local communities’.

The donation was received by Mrs. Easter Sachingongu, Senior Standards Education Officer for Practical Subjects, on behalf of the Lusaka Province Provincial Education Officer Mr. Ngosa Kotati,  and she said ‘Information and Communication Technologies,(ICT) as it is commonly known, is one of the subjects included onto the gazette school syllabus across the country’.

What’s more beneficial than having access to the internet at any school? There have always been complaints of text books not being enough for schools in Zambia, or too expensive for some students to buy on their own. The computer lab will help solve this problem by allowing students do research on their own and get even more information/explanations than they would from a book.

“It is therefore good that Stanbic Bank staff were able to recognize the need for computers and address this need by renovating a computer room, purchasing 20 computers and a ZEDUPAD for the teachers use at the school,” said Mrs. Sachingongu.

She added that  the donation demonstrated Stanbic Bank’s commitment to contributing towards worthy causes in society through its social responsibility drive and indeed to Government’s Education policy initiatives as well as the achievement of the revised Sixth National Development Plan.

Students welcome the donation of a computer lab in Ngombe. Picture courtesy of KPR Consulting
Students welcome the donation of a computer lab in Ngombe. Picture courtesy of KPR Consulting

We hope there is a plan to service the library as well, technically and in regards to internet access. It’s heartwarming to see technology being the item that gets given in these CSRs. We all understand that the most important thing in this generation is to stay connected via the internet.

About the author

Tech Blogger & Marketer.