
RTSA emergency line goes live on WhatsApp

Source: RTSA
Source: RTSA

In order to let the public report traffic accidents, drunk or just plain silly drivers, the Road Transport and Safety Authority (RTSA) has launched a WhatsApp line to help report such cases much quicker. They shared the following message on Facebook:

In order to serve you better, the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has introduced a Whatsapp line to improve communication with the members of the public

Members of the public can now text the agency to report any road traffic concerns and bad road user behaviour with picture and video evidence.

The number to text us on is (+26) 0965 429 499 available 24 hrs. The number cannot receive incoming calls hence those who would like to call us should continue doing so on our toll free line 983.

May we also take this opportunity to remind members of the public that operating, using or holding a handheld mobile device when driving is an offence hence those that might see an erring driver must not be tempted to use their handheld mobile device whilst driving.

Let’s join hands and efforts and work together to bring sanity on our roads and reduce on road crashes. 

Be Road Smart, Life Is Precious.

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