
Ready those ‘Bundles’ – iOS 7.1 Is Here

poweroff_verge_super_wide[1]After the highly publicised demonstration of Carplay last week, Apple dropped an update for iOS 7 launched in September 2013.

The update comes with new UI tweaks and reboot fix, the iOS 7 update will certainly fix many of the annoying bugs. Users of iOS 7 can now have the option of rounded UI elements in the phone dialer and power off feature. The incoming call interface now includes separate decline and accept buttons below floating circular icons for the Remind Me and Message options.

According to TheVerge, the other UI tweaks are fairly minor, including a slight music app refresh with prominent repeat and shuffle icons, and the option to disable wallpaper motion when selecting an image. iOS 7.1 also includes improvements to the keyboard interface, making the shift and delete keys easier to see. Perhaps the best visual tweak in iOS 7.1 is a change to the Notification Center, which appears to allow you to clear notifications more accurately.

The much needed update will certainly make life easier for those users who have had the same dialer, UI and in-app experience that quickly moved to the new design ethos. Though iOS customisations are limited, Apple seems to have figured out it can bore people less by updating its UI more frequently, without so much as changing or adding value to the user experience.

The update adds official support for CarPlay, which has been the talk of the town recently thanks to its official unveiling at the Geneva Auto Show. Three car makers have already demonstrated their CarPlay vehicle integration, including Volvo, Ferrari and Mercedes-Benz.

It is time again to buy a new car, as Apple has changed the game. Remember how you needed a new docking station because of the switch to thunderbolt? Well, in a few days all the rave will be on CarPlay functionality,  which was unveiled at the Geneva Car show last week. Three car makers have already demonstrated their CarPlay vehicle integration, including Volvo, Ferrari and Mercedes-Benz. Access to your phone, with full voice-recognition integration via Siri, and all the communication (voice and text messaging) navigation and infortainment apps needed to make Captain Kirk’s cockpit look ancient, prepare to see sleek photographs from your favourite tumblr blogs or flickr rolls. Apple’s conquest of the entertainment arena continues. Expect in-car TV boxes soon!

Asides the above mentioned, Siri activation has been altered, and iTunes Radio. For a full listing of all the updates on iOS 7.1, check out the official Apple Update list. Will you be making the update: yes or no? Tell us in the comments below.

Check out gallery below courtesy of TechCrunch and TheVerge.

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