Aside from tech trends, we take a break and follow Game of Thrones, the best series like, ever! We’ve been waiting for its return and now we have a date.
HBO has just released a press statement stating that season 5 of Game of Thrones (GoT) will be back on April 12th, 2015. That’s just 3 months away so hold your horses.
The 10 episode long series will air at 9PM on the HBO channel in the United States of America on that night.
What can we expect?
Lots of blood, shocking sex scenes, twists in the plot, basically the stuff popcorn was made for! Enough drama. George RR Martin leaves no survivors behind. Expect the faces of Emilia Clarke ( Daenerys Targaryen), Kit Harington (Jon Snow) and Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister).
Season 4 was reported as the most streamed Game of Thrones season of all time. If you din’t know how big a deal the show is, here’s more proof; HBO will hold a Game of Thrones Exhibition tour in Europe to allow fans to experience the on-set life. It will feature some of the artifacts from the previous season that fans will be allowed to indulge in. If only they could come to Africa too, Zambia specifically
Here’s to dealing Game of Throne episodes like contraband, the lengths people go to just to get a season from their friends are unbelievable. Please just don’t tell the world about an episode after you see one, keep that to yourself till EVERYONE has seen the episode too!
Image Credit: Fourth Galaxy, Panda Whale.