In the world of technology, women have often times been identified as the invisible life-force of the sector. This is mainly because of the lack of proper representation of the gender in prominent roles within the technology industry. From Silicon Valley to a remote internet café in Lusaka, women are the least expected members of society to be leaders in technology. In fact, the general consensus is that there just aren’t enough women in technology especially at the top.
The Women in Technology organization proclaim that, “when one woman helps another, amazing things can happen.” I assume this is what the organisers of the Connect Forum had in mind when planning the event to be held on December 13, 2013 at the Government Complex in Lusaka. The event is a one day affair for women in technology. Its purpose is to highlight women in tech, offer participants opportunities to share experiences, discuss new ideas, form networks and partnerships for mutual support and mentorship.
Asikana Network will host the event with support from BongoHive, InfoDev, Alchemy Women in Leadership,Corporate Heelz and C1rca1964 . The occasion will be graced by a panel of seven speakers, two of whom will be participating online.
The list comprises: Shikoh Gitau the founder of Ummeli and TaaSisi, Irene Pathy an independent contractor with CTS Global Inc., Clare Nkweto Simmons the director of PwC, Sibongile Lungu Simpson an IT Consultant specializing in Business Systems, Health Informatics and Quality Management, Sheila V Mumbi the acting Cooperative Agreement Coordinator for CDC funding into the Ministry of Health, Cassandra Mtine the CEO of ShopZed, and Esineya Chilumbu-Mwenso the director of Xaviac Solutions. The list keeps growing each time I check the webpage. Am sure there will be more surprises.
All in all, the event looks promising and I look forward to networking with all the amazing women in technology who will be represented at the Connect Forum. More information can be found at
Image Credit: Asikana Network