Press Release: BongoHive launches Masterclasses for startups and SMEs

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BongoHive, Zambia’s first and largest innovation and technology hub, launched a series of startup and SME Masterclasses today. Known for successfully incubating Zambian businesses such as talent and entertainment management company, Street Culture and natural haircare brand ZedHair. BongoHive are now making their knowledge even more accessible by offering short and highly focused masterclasses. Lasting between half-a-day to a week and costing between K25 to K500, the premise is simple: to give Zambian entrepreneurs the tools they need to grow their businesses.

Lukonga Lindunda, co-founder and executive director of BongoHive said “Whether it be building your first company website, developing your app idea, building and managing your social media presence, we have you covered. Our leadership position in the African tech community has enabled us to develop cutting edge programming and our business model has made it incredibly affordable.”

In addition to the suite of technology related workshops, BongoHive is also offering a number of widely applicable non-tech related workshops that include accounting, business speaking and generating impact through the power of business. Mr. Lindunda explained BongoHive has achieved this by collaborating with other regional thought leaders and organisations to pull together such powerful and cutting edge content.

Mr Lindunda said “There are so many reasons we’re excited about today’s launch; we’re finally able to fill a longstanding hole in the Zambian business ecosystem and get in the driver’s seat of building a more robust entrepreneurial community.”

Bayo Akindeinde PEPZ (Private Enterprise Programme Zambia) Team leader said “The objectives of BongoHive and that of PEPZ are closely aligned, our goal is to help build and strengthen the capacity of local micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to create jobs and contribute to the diversification and growth of the economy. This partnership is essential to achieve greater impact. These masterclasses will enable entrepreneurs to add new skills to grow their businesses and ultimately thrive.”

“We have been working with Bayo Akindeinde and his team for over a year now and I feel that the entrepreneurial and business community is stronger because of that,” said Mr. Lindunda.

“We’re really proud to be doing this because it shows how different organisations can collaborate to achieve the common objective of paving the way for Zambia’s rise to become Africa’s next powerhouse of business,” Mr. Lindunda continued.
BongoHive Masterclasses commence on June 6th and you can sign up through the website

The masterclasses and workshops include:

Masterclass 1 – Plan & Building your First Company Website

Masterclass 2A – Social Media – Facebook for Startups

Masterclass 2B – Social Media – Twitter for Startups

Masterclass 2C – Social Media – LinkedIn for Startups

Masterclass 2D – Social Media – Google+ for Startups

Masterclass 2E – Social Media – Instagram for Startups

Masterclass 2F – Social Media – Pinterest for Startups

Masterclass 3 – Digital Marketing Strategy and Analytics for Startups

Masterclass 4 – UX Design for Startups

Masterclass 5 – How to Build an App for your Startups

Non-Technical Workshop 1 – SpeechCraft for Business

Non-Technical Workshop 2 – Starting & Operating an Impactful Business

Financial Workshop 1 – Building & Understanding your Financial Accounts

Source: Bongohive

About the author

Tech Blogger & Marketer.