
Celebrating #GirlsInICT: Linda Lisha Shachinda

Celebrating #GirlsInICT: Linda Lisha Shachinda, Lead Trainer at Hackers Guild and Founder of a digital marketing agency FMDC.
Techtrends: Why should more girls take up ICT courses or work?
Linda: “Because this subject area is the center of most disciplines – a trend which I can only see increasing.
I believe this knowledge and exposure with technology or ICT-related subjects will stand them in good stead to achieve excellence in whatever route they choose to follow, which in turn will enable them to make full contribution to our country, Zambia, that is developing at such a rapid and exciting rate.
Therefore creating a conducive environment where such initiatives are supported and nurtured as a country will bring about an interest in technology or ICT-related subjects among girls.”


Tech Blogger & Marketer.