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Solar Chargers launched in Zambia by World Panel Zambia Ltd


Well finally we have an option with regards how to charge our phones. World Panel Zambia,Ltd has officially launched solar chargers (called World Panels) in Zambia.

These chargers use the sun’s energy to  convert it into power and charge  phones just as fast as wall chargers that use electricity.

These solar chargers or World Panels were launched at a recent event at the Taj Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka, Zambia, celebrating the first container of the chargers that is now at the World Panel warehouse in Lusaka.

World Panel Zambia CEO Jacob Sikazwe and World Panel USA CEO John Anderson with World Panels at the Lusaka warehouse

CEO of World Panel Zambia Jacob Sikazwe gave a reason for this move saying, “I’ve worked for many years to empower people in rural Africa to improve their economic well-being and opportunities in life. This utility-grade personal solar charger finally delivers on my dream to aid and empower people living without regular access to electricity.”

Looking at how many areas are affected by a lack of or load-shading of electricity the solar chargers are obviously going to be welcomed by Zambians nationwide. It’s perfect for especially the rural areas as people may own phones but have no where to charge them from very near them, meaning they have to walk long distances to the nearest place just to charge their phone while they wait.

Founder of World Panel John Anderson showing a local conumer how to charge their phone with the panel
Founder of World Panel John Anderson showing a local consumer how to charge their phone with the panel

Speaking at the launch event, CEO and founder of World Panel (which was founded in the USA) John Anderson said, “With only 8% of rural Zambia connected to an electrical grid, our distributed green energy solution can significantly increase that level in three years at a fraction of the cost of traditional energy solutions. We are honored to deliver our first containers into Zambia.”

The price has not yet been announced but we expect it to be very affordaable if they are targeting the rural areas. At the same event  Zambian Minister of Energy Director of Energy Andrew Simwaba said, “I am pleased that this solution being launched today will help mitigate this power shortage because our people will be able to charge their phones and other devices no matter where they are located.”

These solar chargers are very portable and you can carry them around or position on a stand. According to the Word Panel Website, founder of the technology John Anderson gave this reason for creating World Panels, ‘on a trip to Sub-Saharan Africa, it became apparent that mobile electricity was in demand, and cell phone charging was of particular interest. Equipped with requests from citizens there that a charger be powerful, durable, affordable and portable, Anderson developed the patented World Panel to charge 2G, 3G, and 4G LTE handsets and tablets, and all USB devices.’

Well, we can not wait to see how this works out but it’s a brilliant move. We also hope the World Panels are as durable as they claim they are.

Find out more about World Panel here.

Image Credit: APO,


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