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Zamtel adopts, refurbishes UTH maternity ward

Source: Zamtel

Zamtel handed over a refurbished Maternity Ward at the Women and Newborn Hospital at UTH on Friday 16th November 2018.

Ward BO1 was adopted by Zamtel earlier this year and the company immediately embarked on massive rehabilitation works at a cost of K550,000.

Part of the scope of work involved the installation of modern fittings and fixtures such as floor tiles, suspended ceiling, bathing rooms, bed side lockers and drawers, florescent lights, fridges, new curtains, and the installation of new Mukwa double doors.

Zamtel has also installed 4.5 Internet access for Administration Staff and the general ward.

Officiating at the handover ceremony, Minister of Health Hon. Dr Chitalu Chilufya commended Zamtel for the gesture as it is in line with the government’s plans to enhance access to quality health care by improving the distribution of health facilities at all levels.

Dr Chilufya stated that government is happy to actively work with cooperating partners and the corporate world to reduce the high maternal mortality ratio, the under-five mortality rate and the neonatal mortality rate.

“I am pleased to know that Zamtel has invested K550,000 in this project. My only appeal would go to other companies to emulate Zamtel by adopting the many causes under the Ministry of Health that they could support. The handover of the refurbished Ward BO1 is another important step in our quest to strengthen the health service delivery system in Zambia,” Dr Chilufya said.

He added, “Today we witness the emergency of true partnerships to support our investment in the fundamental pillars of our health systems. When we speak of investment in reproductive health, we need to address the fundamental aspect of infrastructure and technology and Zamtel has come up to partnering with the Women and Newborn Hospital to improve the infrastructure and technology and for that we are truly grateful to Zamtel.”

And Zamtel Board Chairman Mr. Danny Luswili said the refurbishment of the Maternity Ward is fully anchored on the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility that seeks to respond to the needs of the community in which it operates.

Mr. Luswili emphasised that as a truly Zambian brand, Zamtel feels duty bound to answer to some of the needs of the communities through Corporate Social Responsibility programmes.

“This project further confirms that Zamtel can do even more in our community if the people of Zambia fully support the company. The more people use Zamtel services, the more we will be able to invest in community projects that touch the lives of the people. Ours is a state owned-enterprise and as such, every ngwee that our customers spend on the network is retained in the Zambian economy,”

And Zamtel Chief Executive Officer Mr. Sydney Mupeta said the project further confirms that Zamtel can do even more in the community with the continued support from the Zambian public.

“The more people use Zamtel services, the more we will be able to invest in community projects that touch the lives of our people. Ours is a state owned-enterprise and as such, every Ngwee that our customers spend on the network is retained in the Zambian economy,” Mr Mupeta stressed.

This is the first time that the Maternity Ward BO1 is undergoing major refurbishments since the Maternity Wing was constructed as part of the University Teaching Hospital in 1934.

Source: Zamtel