Here’s what you may have missed in tech stories from Zambia and around the world”
- Proflight signed a deal with Zoona for mobile money payments for fares: Clients wishing to book flights with Proflights can now pay for their fares using the Zoona payment system. All they need to do is book a flight, get a reference number and make their payment with Zoona using the reference number. Saves on time if a Zoona outlet is nearer to you than a Proflight office, or if you have no credit card. Read more here.
- Samsung Galaxy S6 may be launched on 1st March: At the Mobile World Conference. Mobile tech company Samsung had just sent out invites to media and esteemed guests to an ‘Unpacked’ event that will likely officially release the new high end tech gadget, and also a possible smartwatch that has a circular face. Read more details here.
- Charity Lumpa resigned and Peter Correia took over as Airtel Zambia MD: Charity Lumpa had served as airtel Zambia’s MD since 2012 but last week retired from the position, opening up the spot to Peter Correia who had formerly worked for Liquid Telecom as Group Operations Director. Read more about Ms Lumpa’s resignation here, and about Mr Correia’s appointment here.

- Google Earth Pro was made free: from about $400 to absolutely nothing. The now free app is basically targeted at the business world that deals in construction tech or collection of geo-data. Google Earth Pro is slightly better than the ordinary Google Earth in the following ways:
Read more about Google Earth Pro becoming a freebie here.
- Whatsapp’s Voice Call feature’s slowly being rolled out on Android: First reported by users in India it seems tech giant Whatsapp’s call feature may soon be available on the Android platform. The screenshots that were shared by a Reddit user only known as Prayesh-7 show that the Whatsapp update will have contacts with the call feature available lined up like a normal phonebook is arranged.
However to get the update is on invite only basis, with one caller having to call another user, and then that user will get a notification to update. Why not just roll out the update as they’ve always done? Anyway, find out more here.
- Internet.org was rolled out in Ghana as its 5th country: After successfully being launched in Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania and Colombia, Facebook’s Internet.org, which provides free basic access to some of the most important websites, was launched in Ghana. Read more on what sites Ghanaians can access for free on Airtel here.
- Startup Hour hosted PEP-Z, and you could get funded: The Private Enterprise Programme in Zambia (PEP-Z) is an initiative that helps support SMEs in Zambia under the UK government and has come up with a business plan competition that will fund the winning idea $200,000. This competition is called “Nyamuka Zambia” and will be officially launched later this month. If you’re a startup entrepreneur looking to get funded, read more about the competition here.
Those stories made news so here’s to another week of more.