To read part one, click here.
Vodafone are continuing to make waves in the market and getting the entrenched players nervous. We continue to answer your questions in part 2.
- Where can you find a Vodafone shop?
- Vodafone have 10 stores: Cosmopolitan Mall, Eastpark Mall, Levy Mall, Manda Hill Mall, Mukuba Mall, Kafubu Mall, UNZA, ZCAS, UNILAS, Evelyn Hone, ZIBSIP and NIPA. All outlets run from 08:00hrs to 18:00hrs.
- Does Vodafone sell handsets?
- Yes.
- Can I buy a Vodafone sim card?
- Yes you can. The sim cards cost K3.00.
- Can I buy a handset from Vodafone?
- Yes. The Vodafone online shop has 5 handsets ranging from K890.00 for a Lenovo to K7800.00 for the Samsung S7 Edge.
- Can I get Vodafone for my business internet?
- Yes, you can. Dial 718 to find out more.
- Can I user Vodafone for my home internet?
- Yes. We suggest you get a home router for K540.00 (on special) or a Mi-Fi K299.00 (on special).
- Do I have Vodafone coverage?
- Use the coverage finder. They are still building out the network so be warned.
Now the data bundles available from Vodafone:
Bundle | Price | Validity |
75MB | K8.00 | Daily |
400MB | K40.00 | Daily |
200MB | K30.00 | Weekly |
1GB | K100.00 | Weekly |
500MB | K100.00 | Monthly |
2GB | K185.00 | Monthly |
10GB | K250.00 | Monthly |
25GB | K550.00 | Monthly |
50GB | K900.00 | Monthly |
I have to commend Vodafone on a few things that they have done exceptionally well:
- No more USSD!!! Everyone else needs to follow suit ASAP, not the clunky apps that are in the market that are just USSD skins, do it properly.
- The availability of a data calculator, its accuracy and usability are up for debate but it does give the user insight into their usage.
Their speed is quite good and I appreciate the change they are trying to bring, however, I was very dissapointed in their staff yesterday who took not even a second to let me know that their coverage is limited, I bought a Mi-fi and it turns out the area I am living in Lusaka is just outside of their best coverage. While I am able to connect it is quite erratic, not to discredit them because I do welcome them but they should thoroughly put their customers in the know and work on expanding their coverage because my place is not even on the outskirts of town and its barely within their range. Other than that I am pleased Vodafone are here…
I bought a MiFi today. The promotion price is great and I saw a number of young people buying them. Maybe they should stick to that price. Okay, I live in Chelston, near the Airport Round about, a kilometer actually. They said this area is part of Avondale, so I figured I could get a signal. Indeed, the signal is there, but it is one bar or no bar. Sometimes is disappears all together. I guess a router, with its bigger antennae, might do a better job for me. So, I intend to swap the MiFi for a router, with a bit of a top up. I cannot let the 10 GB I bought go to waste. I am happy that they have set up in Zambia. Looking at the crowd in their East Park Mall shop, a lot more people are equally excited. I have never seen an internet shop so packed before.
There is a huge buzz around them – hopefully it equals delivery
Can I still maintain my existing bundles if renew before expiry period?
Yes you can
Can i use another providers sim in a Mi-Fi?
When are you bringing the signal to Chongwe?
Can I have network in sesheke for a router
The mi-fi has a security vulnerability, press the power button twice. And it reveals the ssid and the password. Failed to disable this. Anyone knows how to disabled? Vodafone staff who sold me failed to assist.
I wanted to know if ZTE MF 283+ Wifi router can work with a vodafone sim card.