Twitter DMs to be mailable, just like Facebook’s WhatsApp chats


The competition among social media platforms is now bigger than ever.

WhatsApp chats have an option that allows you to email a chat conversation to another person (or yourself if you do not want to have to scroll through previous messages), and now Twitter might be getting the same feature added to its direct messaging (DM) service. The new update will allow users to email their conversations as well on both Android and iOS operating systems.

Twitter DMs can be shared between two people who follow each other or between verified accounts that turn on their DMs to allow people who do not follow them to still be able to send them messages.

The new feature will allow you to not only have access to your Twitter DM history but also to delete it if you so wish.


With WhatsApp reaching 500 million users, who doesn’t want to be like it? There are so many clones that have had 15 minutes of fame like WeChat (although still popular in China), Viber, Telegram, and more. TechZim even analysed how they tried to be better than WhatsApp here.

This move is probably an attempt by Twitter to have their DM service also act as a chat application. Could they be rivalling their main opponent Facebook, who now own WhatsApp? Maybe.

In the past there have been complaints about Twitter’s desktop and mobile applications which did not sync DMs well so the new update will take care of that. Plus, the DM was limited to 140 characters, just like a normal tweet.

This feature will increase the user’s accessibility to their accounts, allowing them more decision making power over what they want to share or remove, rather than letting the app dictate to them. The power is literally now in our hands.

Image Credit: Twitter Support


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