Technology was ready for COVID-19

By Mosho Mwalwembe.

Technology as we’ve known it has rapidly developed in the last decade – So fast that there’s literally something new everyday. No, seriously, it’s that accelerated and you shouldn’t even be surprised.

COVID-19. Global pandemic – schools shut, companies working remotely leaving only essential employees in office, bars closed (the Zambian populus isn’t happy zoona, lol), and life as we’ve known it no longer is what it was just a blink ago.

Nothing is the same and almost everything is affected, with a few exceptions, one of which is our global network that consists of constantly communicating routers and switches, known commonly as the glorious Internet.

Traffic on the internet has nearly doubled and according to reports by CNET and Mashable, ISP’s in the US as well as countries across Europe are experiencing internet usage spikes since the pandemic came onto the scene. The same is happening here, but at a much lower rate. Despite this increase, tech is still showing how capable it is.

Technology has been more than ready for a situation of such magnitude and it’s proving it day by day.

Below are a few ways it’s doing so.

  1. Communication.

The ability to share information from point to point is probably one of the lifelines of today’s world and all of us heavily depend on it. Despite social distancing measures having been put in place across the country, many communication tools are already fully functional and active in lives of those that own a smartphone and have access to a stable internet connection. Communication giant Facebook already has such tools running and they are one of the pioneers in this space. Platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook and Messenger are ensuring the connected citizen is communicating effectively. Twitter is another platform exhibiting similar capabilities.

The corporate world has access to video conferencing platforms such as Skype and Zoom, ensuring meetings are still held. A platform created by Facebook targeted at the corporate social life called Workplace is also currently running.

  1. Learning.

The term “E-Learning” is no stranger to most. Delivering knowledge through the internet isn’t as fully implemented as it should be in the country, but it has certainly gained some traction over the years. With the recent directive from the government to temporarily close all learning institutions, most have looked to the use of internet based learning solutions with the drive to ensure that academic activities are not totally disrupted. Such an example would be the UNZA E-learning platform as well as the  ZCAS E-Learning platform.

  1. Entertainment.

Let’s jump right into it! DSTV Now, MTN TV +, Airtel TV, Netflix (and chill 🌚), YouTube, the list goes on and on. Users have a wide variety to choose from as their primary source of entertainment while at home.

  1. Gaming.

Zambia doesn’t have a large digital footprint on the online gaming scene as such but it would be unjust to completely write off the select few that are actively engaged playing games via the internet.

Online gaming has been ready for some years now and with the rising popularity in mobile gaming, it’s no surprise to find Zambians engaged in games like COD Mobile and PUBG. This is not to write off those that are faithful PC and console online gamers.

  1. Hardware

This should have probably been the first point because all of the above mentioned are useless without hardware!

Hardware is everything. Firewalls, routers, switches, the RJ45 connectors. Smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs. From handheld gaming devices to fully fledged consoles. Mifi’s, cell towers, large connected satellites. The list is endless.

It would be daylight robbery to end such a piece of writing without at least mentioning the terms cloud computing and Ai – those too are at the forefront, ensuring our lives are digital and automated.

Any thoughts, go ahead and speak your mind in the comment section below!

About the author


  1. I am able to connect with family [includes my spiritual family] because of digital connectivity! Technology has surely changed our lives forever!

  2. There is so much truth in this right up…keep shining Mosho.

  3. Ingenious write up. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I agree technology was ready for COVID-19, I shudder to imagine if this had happened in the early 90s lol stay at home with no internet and a broadcasting network that only started to show at 17hrs up to 23hrs.

    1. The early 90s were fun but I can’t imagine life without a stable internet connection as a millennial. 😅

  4. Technology was definately ready and it’s the only thing keeping us sane.

  5. Tech is everything in the generation, its been a powerful tool for learning and entertainment at large.. Online gaming for some of us has been the primary source of peace (in someway lol). Thanks for the piece Mosho.

      1. Lol… As soon that Liquid hits my Mifi… lol.. will hala when i join the squad.

  6. Thank you for sharing Mosho,
    I actually feel Covid-19 has unleashed the potential skills from both people and corporate citizens that we would have never known or seen. Everyone is now on the look out and thinking forward should things get worse (total lockdown for Zambia).

    Facebooks and WhatsApp are communication platforms are helping me stay updated not forgetting radio stations. Am actually having class in the comfort of my bed using Zoom, and I hope this continues lol. Thank God for Technology!!!!!!!!! its made life much easier.

  7. Could not have been said better than this. Very well articulated, son. Indeed, we can still do a lot during this lockdown. Even churches are congregating online.

  8. Great writing bro,,,keep it up. Indeed technology has done us great help; now we have e-banking,,on-line registration;no more queing up…Google drive and i-cloud;now I don’t have to store data in a harddrive…and list goes on and on lol

  9. Valid points.

    The gaming scene in particular has the potential to explode given the fact that major players are investing more and more in it. Zambia is not short of talent, it just needs a reasonable push.

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