How to send Dropbox files in Facebook Messenger April 27, 2016 If you use Facebook Messenger for file sharing and have Dropbox accounts, you can now send files to others within Messenger without ever leaving… Continue Reading
2 Steps to protect your Cloud from being hacked October 3, 2014 So you got registered for a cloud service because you need a backup incase you accidentally deleted all your phone’s data or lost it… Continue Reading
Dropbox introduces faster Streaming Sync for Desktop July 14, 2014 We know cloud services are important these days where file exchanges are highly important. We already know how Dropbox works, or you can find… Continue Reading
Are Apple’s newbies just better versions of Android’s oldies? June 9, 2014 Apple recently showcased their new iPhone OS iOS8, which is already being rolled out in beta form to some 1 million users only for… Continue Reading
K60 for 1TB of Storage on Google Drive March 17, 2014 It’s hard to tell what the equivalent of US$9.99 is with our ever dwindling Kwacha currency. A rough estimate puts it just under K60… Continue Reading
SkyDrive to be OneDrive February 25, 2014 If you have a Windows Live account or Outlook as its going by these days then you would have received an email from Microsoft… Continue Reading