Spider – The Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions, hosted at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm university, announces an open call for project proposals in ICT-based access to education and digital content, accessible education, capacity building and content development.
Spider is excited to announce an open call in the thematic area of Education. The objective of the present call is to receive project proposals that are ready to be implemented and can deliver concrete results.
This call will focus on proposals targeting primary and secondary schools. Spider also encourages applications from organisations and institutions of learning that are teaching in refugee camps. Organisations and institutions of learning that are not teaching in refugee camps are welcome to submit a proposal.
Eligibility of applicants
Spider will accept applications from organisations and institutions of learning from the 13 priority countries for Swedish development cooperation: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.
The projects will contribute to a unified result for Spider’s thematic programmes of Education. We are looking for projects that can deliver concrete results to the following short-term outcomes in Education:
- Students/Learners have ICT-based access to education and digital content is available
- Institutions of learning and related civil society organisations have strengthened capacity in a
- ccessible education, capacity building of teachers and content development.
Financial allocation and project duration
Spider will allocate 1 million SEK per project (about 1.3 million Kwacha) and will fund projects in education that will start end of 2016 till the end of 2018. You can see the project criteria here.
How to apply
If you consider your organisation to be eligible for support in the open call, fill in the Template Open Call Education 2016 and send the application by email to education@spidercenter.orgno later than midnight Central European Time on Tuesday June 28th, 2016. Specify in the subject head education call and name of the organization.
Rules for the open call – Please note the following
- Applications that exceed the one page limit will be rejected
- The application must be written in English, font Times New Roman size 10
- We will not accept hand-written applications
- The deadline for submission of the application is June 28th, 2016 midnight Central European time
- Applications sent in after the deadline will be rejected
Additional documents
Spider requests applicants to send the one-page concept note together with the following documents:
- An externally audited annual report
- Audit management letter
- The organisation’s proof of registration
Assessment and selection of applications
Qualified applicants should submit a one-page note together with other documents as explained in the rules for open call no later than 28 June 2016. Following review by Spider, select applicants will be notified on 10 August 2016. Successful candidates will be asked to submit a project initiation document by 31 August 2016. Spider reserves the right to choose project applications which are best aligned with our programme goals.
If you have questions or need further clarification, please contact Magda Berhe Johnson, Program Manager in Education and Learning, by email magda@spidercenter.org.
Source: Spider