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MTN Zambia releases MTN TV+ app with free trial

Your probably did or didn’t get the message from MTN letting you now about their new app, MTN TV+ that gives you access to stream TV channels as bundled packages.

You’ll find these channels; 4syte TV, Africa Unite TV, QTV, BT Sports 1, BT sports 2, Al Jazeera, France 24, RT, MovieLax, ASBC Series, La Pearl, AfroGold Movies, Afrostar TV, Smile, Bubble Toons, Family TV, Calvary TV and Praise TV.

MTN has shared that the bundle subscription fees will be as follows

  • Hourly Pack – K2.5
  • Daily Pack – K10
  • Weekly Pack – K30
  • Monthly Pack – K50

I have been using it for a few days now and I noticed some channels have a programme schedule while others don’t so it would be nice if they all did. Regards interface, I think they stuck to the KISS rule of anything – Keep It Short and Simple – short in the sense that there’s not too much cluttered detail in the channel list and simple in terms of graphics, tabs and buttons.

Some of the reviews of the app within the Playstore have been that the app buffers, but I think that’s more a connectivity issue on the part of different users as mine worked just fine after the initial load.

If you download the MTN TV+ app today you have free access to watch the channels until the 8th of August 2017 without your data being depleted, as their text shared:

The MTN TV+ is available from the Google Playstore here. You can also get it by texting ‘TV’ to 5555.

Update: MTN has extended the free trial to 9th August 2017 after which the subscription rates will be:

  • Monthly pack K100
  • Weekly pack K35
  • Daily pack K10
  • Hourly (Once Off) K3


Tech Blogger & Marketer.

14 thoughts on “MTN Zambia releases MTN TV+ app with free trial

  • michael chilekeni

    I like it

  • Mwiinga nangandu

    How do I subscribe and watch.

    • Chilumba Zulu

      How do I renew the subcription

  • Henry khondowe

    I can’t watch two channels BT sport and BT sport 2 please help

  • Why mtv tv is just on androids think of iphone & Windows users as well

  • Mtn tv it could be good if you stop repenting the same moveis in same che

  • Seems the free trial continued? Still watch for free

  • James Mungwali

    Please consider us who are using iPhone and windows Phones we also need mtn TV

  • Blessed Timothy katembula

    Mtn zambia. I have been using the free mtn tv pluse but am wondering why channels like Qtv, znbc and other zambia news channels are not part of the television.

  • Justin makuya

    it is a great channel bt it will be very expensive in future.

  • shadreck Sikaonga

    I like

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