MTN Zambia and Facebook partner to launch Internet 101 digital literacy programme

MTN Zambia and Facebook have announced the launch of a new digital literacy programme, “Internet 101” part of the “MTN Data-Smart” initiative aimed at educating users on how to make the most of the internet, whilst doing so safely and responsibly.
Held through a series of one-on-one trainings at MTN Zambia retail points and exclusive stores initially across Lusaka and Copperbelt, Internet 101 will be available to MTN Zambia customers. Through dedicated in-store promoters, visitors and users will be provided with training and resources, based on the GSMA MISTT curriculum, which is focused on the functionality and value of the internet for users with internet-enabled mobile phones.
MTN Zambia ’s CEO Mr. Bart Hofker said “We are proud to be partnering with industry leaders like Facebook in an initiative which is aimed not only at educating Zambians on how to safely be connected and well informed online, but how to also get the most from the internet. We have no doubt that this initiative will enhance the digital lives of Zambians, particularly those who are coming online for the very first time.”
“Improving digital literacy and encouraging greater levels of digital citizenship benefits everyone in an increasingly connected community. We are pleased to be working with MTN Zambia to support digital literacy efforts at retail and customer points across the country,” commented Matias Sillanpaa, Director, Growth & Operator Partnerships, Facebook.
Minister of Transport and Communication, Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya commenting on the partnership in a speech read on his behalf said, ‘For us to achieve real benefit of this partnership between MTN Zambia and Facebook there is need to focus at providing high quality services at an affordable cost to our people. As Government, we will closely monitor the cost of providing your services in the market. I am confident that this collaboration will spur innovation among our youths and better their lives.
Speaking at the launch, Zambia Information and Communication Technology (ZICTA) Director Consumer Protection and Information Management, Mr. Edgar Mlauzi said, ‘The authority welcomes this partnership between MTN Zambia and Facebook. Internet 101 is a tremendous opportunity for key stakeholders within the sector to address the ICT knowledge gap highlighted by the 2018 ICT survey. As a regulator we recognize that through a consultative and collaborative approach, we can best address the needs of ICT consumers in Zambia.

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