
MTN is it free?

MTN WhatsApp Free
MTN WhatsApp Free

For the second week in a row, MTNs Facebook page left us wondering what is going on. MTN is currently running a promotion that costs K3.15 for 20MB and free WhatsApp. The access to WhatsApp is the K3.15 question here. MTN states your access to WhatsApp is free but your wallet insists it costs K3.15! Here are a few scenarios available based on the wording:

  • Get an unlimited WhatsApp bundle for K3.15
  • The initial 20MB of WhatsApp costs K3.15 and the rest is free
  • You get 20MB of data for anything and unlimited WhatsApp for K3.15

When you dig into the comments you start to wonder, does it not work on Android?

MTN WhatsApp Promotions Android Question
MTN WhatsApp Promotions Android Question

Advertisements should be easily understood by the intended audience. Adverts should not aim to mislead but highlight the benefits of a product for the consumer. The K3.15 WhatsApp bundle delivers on neither point in our view.

What are your views on this promotion?


One thought on “MTN is it free?

  • yes it works on android, have not used it on other platforms though

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