If you are an active Facebook or Twitter user, you have probably received or seen a link to a video that shows that the missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 plane has been found but please for your privacy’s sake do not open it.
The phishing scam video shows picture footage from a 2013 Lion Air plane crash in Bali. However, for you to even get to the pictures/footage, the link gives you a survey type questionnaire asking you to give your permission to access your profile as the process to follow to view it. It claims that the missing plane was discovered in the Bermuda Triangle and that 50 people survived. This is very false.

“Malaysian Airlines missing flight MH370 found in Sea – 50 people alive saved”
“Shocking Video: Malaysian Airlines missing flight MH370 found at sea”
“Malaysian Airplane MH370 Already Found. Shocking Video Release Today by CNN”
“Plane has been spotted somewhere near Bermuda triangle. Shocking videos released today. CNN news”
“MH370 Malaysia plane has been found. Shocking videos released today. Last video of passengers crying released”
These are just some of the titles the scam stories are going by on social media.
If you see various links with any titles claiming that the planes has been found please do not open them. When you fill out the survey, which has been made to look like official Facebook or Twitter interfaces, this will give the people behind the scam access to your highly personal information so basically you’re being hacked!
We told you all about phishing and scams and their disastrous consequences, Do not be a victim of cyber hacking. Be very careful with the links, emails and invites you get via social media.
According to Wired “the scam artists tend to profit from the fake surveys that appear if users follow the links, after being encouraged to share the video or news story on Facebook “.
As of this morning an update on the missing plane according the BBC is that “China has started searching its territory within the northern corridor for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, state media report.
The international search for the plane has extended into two vast air corridors, north and south of the plane’s last known location.
China said no evidence of terror links had been found in Chinese passengers.
The plane went missing on 8 March with 239 people on board. Some 26 countries are involved in search efforts.”
We can only hope for the best.
Pictures courtesy of Prischew and Independent