Last week’s major tech stories on Techtrends Zambia

As a new week begins, let’s look back and how much technological progress was made last week:

  • BBM for Android’s Material design was released: allowing a smoother user experience on the Android 5 and newer platforms. The new BBM for Android Material design has a more colorful, eye-popping appearance and has newer placements of its icons. You can even start a chat direct from the menu screen. Read more here.
  • Facebook updated its News Feed controls: allowing users to tailor their News Feed to their preferences. The new control update allows you to choose which people and pages’ post you would like to see first. Unfollow the ones you don’t and follow suggested people and pages. Check it out here.
  • Airtel Zambia had its first Airtel Media Excellence Awards: these were held to celebrate journalists, writers and bloggers in the technology and ICT fields to be recognized for their efforts in covering that sector in Zambia. Read more about what they required here.
  • What is your digital reputation like? If you have ever wondered how to switch to being a goody-two-shoes to save your digital reputation (and maybe your job too!) but always wondered how, we gave out a few tips to clean out your dirty social media laundry. Read them all here.
  • Will you upgrade to Windows 10? That’s the question we’ve been asking Windows users since Microsoft announced the new operating system that’s here to take over Windows 8, which was received with many complaints? Is Windows the OS we’ve been waiting for? Read more on its features here.
  • MTN starts replacing chalk boards with smart ones: the first two schools already received theirs last week as part of MTN’s corporate social responsibility this year, which is all about bringing more ICTs in the education sector. Read more here.

About the author

Tech Blogger & Marketer.