Airtel’s Night Store offer pulled down for ‘maintenance’


Last week we wrote an article on Airtel’s Night Store offer that offered various unlimited data and call time plans but according to subscribers Facebook comment complaints they were not able to use the data after paying for it.

night-browsingSo as we speak everytime you try to subscribe to the plan you will see this message telling you that they’re working on it:


For all the students that just opened school, or just lat-night internet users in general, you’re going to have to wait for Airtel to fix it the Night Store offer. Hopefully, it will be unlimited as claimed because an inquiry about whether there’s a capped limit regardless of it being called ‘unlimited’ has still been unanswered by Airtel’s PR Department.

For now we await a smooth running promotion that has technical people on point fixing any little errors and bugs, to prevent pull-outs like these, or they could take the point often advised, to have pre-launch test runs of any product or service, before making it public.

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Tech Blogger & Marketer.