
ZICTA banning private numbers

According to this news report by ZNBC, the Zambia Information Communications and Technology Authority (ZICTA) has phased out private numbers for Zambian mobile subscribers, giving the reason that many of these users are only hiding their identity to engage in illegal activities.

The report says ZICTA Support Service Director Mofya Chisala said:

“The Authority is working in collaboration with mobile service providers to ensure that private numbers are banned. The decision comes after the Authority received several complaints from members of the public of being victimized by private line owners. Some people with private lines misuse them by engaging in various activities which are a danger to society. The Authority is concerned with the plight of all consumers and wants all people to immediately identify their callers.”

Anyone who wants a private mobile number now has to be reapply and give a good reason why they should be allowed that level of privacy.

Did you have a private number before this ban? Why did you need one?



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