Zamtel launches ZamSellit, starts the process to eliminate use of physical scratch card

ZICTA Director General Patrick Mutimushi shakes hands with Zamtel CEO Mr Sydney Mupeta after the launch of ZamSellit

Zamtel has announced the launch of its Digital Channel Platform (DCP) dubbed ZamSellit which allows subscribers to buy and sell talk time from their phones and earn attractive commissions.

The platform which is available by downloading an app on smart phones and on feature phones through a USSD will eliminate the need for physical scratch cards.

The development is a major step in the process to fully digitalise Zamtel’s distribution channels.

At a media event at Zamtel House to announce ZamSellit, Guest of Honour, ZICTA Director General Patrick Mutimushi commended Zamtel for the innovation.

Mr. Mutimushi stated that ZICTA is interested in seeing a future where paper based scratch cards will not exist and thanked Zamtel for leading the way.

He also said the enactment of the proposed ICT bills by Parliament will help address some of the challenges facing the ICT sector in Zambia.

Mr. Mutimushi said the Authority is hopeful that Parliament will in the current sitting pass the Electronic Commerce and Transactions, the Cyber Security and Cybercrime and the Data Protection Bills.

Mr Mutimushi observed that an effective regulatory framework is crucial to the continued growth of the ICT sector.

He said the three bills once enacted will address issues of customer data protection and will also safeguard all electronic based transactions.

And Zamtel Chief Executive Officer Sydney Mupeta said the launch of ZamSellit marks a great step in the company’s plans to fully digitalise its channels.

Mr Mupeta said Zamtel customers can also use ZamSellit to trade in talk time electronically thereby eliminate the use of physical scratch cards.

He said the launch of ZamSellit is also a response to the recent incident where some unauthorized Zamtel scratch cards were found on the streets.

“The DCP is also a key step in ensuring that our business partners and customers receive a more convenient and faster and secure service,” Mr Mupeta said.

He said the DCP will bring about a more permanent solution to addressing the challenges of stock leakages and bring about convenience to all strategic partners along the distribution value chain.

Source: Zamtel

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  1. Comment *Thanks for the innovation as this will make u become a market leader

  2. Great and might innovation,thanks to you zamtel that you are have also thought of us entrepreneurs to build up a business platform.
    Since an application can you diversify it to also link in to other telecom networks in Zambia.

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