Google Photos launched a photo scanning app called PhotoScan late last year with a mission to help you save your printed photographs into digital format quite easily.
‘What’s wrong with just taking a picture of the photograph with my camera?’ you may ask. well, PhotoScan comes with extra features that allow it automatically detect and crop the photo from the surface it’s laid on when taking the picture. It also comes with glare removal, avoiding that shiny look your photograph if taken with a plain camera may have.
To take the photo you need to position the camera over 4 dots that will show on your screen to get the perfect dimensions of your photograph’s edges.
After taking the picture, you may then straighten, crop some more and rotate the image whichever way you need it to be.

The photos can then be shared to social media platforms from within PhotoScan itself after you’ve saved all your changes.
Download the PhotoScan app for Android here and for iOS here.
Just downloaded this, yet to test it. seems promising, especially on Glare removal, hopefully doesnt distort the image.