MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) Launch Expansion Project

As part of its ongoing commitment to grow the African film industry, MultiChoice announced the expansion of the MultiChoice Talent Factory. The announcement was made on Wednesday at an event attended by the Minister of Information and Media, Honourable Chushi Kasanda. 

The MultiChoice Talent Factory will expand its skills development offering to practical, industry expert-led skills workshops outside of its academies.  This affords local broadcasters as well as film and television professionals the opportunity to learn and upskill their filmmaking abilities. This project which the organisation intends to roll out to the rest of Africa was launched in Malawi and now Zambia.

This expansion will formalise MultiChoice’s long-standing efforts to address concerns such as accessibility, opportunity, and quality in local productions. All training will be conducted by leading African and international industry experts and will offer holistic learning through online learning courses, masterclasses, and practical training which will focus on critical production skills such as production Management, sound, screenwriting, cinematography and 3D Annimation.

Speaking at the launch event, the Minister of Information and Media, Honourable Chushi Kasanda said: “Skills development is Key in unlocking Zambia’s immense potential in the film industry. In this regard, it is gratifying that MultiChoice has taken the initiative to invest in the growth of Zambia’s film industry through its Corporate Social Investment Initiative – the MultiChoice Talent Factory, an academy that trains young people in film making and production.”

Also speaking at this event MultiChoice Talent Factory Director Nwabisa Matyumza emphasized the company’s commitement to building Africa’s film industry. 

“The MTF Expansion Programme is a new training initiative set to revolutionise the African TV sector, taking industry skills to a new level and boosting the quality of content for audiences across the continent. This initiative is a collaborative project between MultiChoice, local television channels in various African territories and the MultiChoice Talent Factory,” said  Matyumza.

Ms Matyumza further emphasized the importance of working with local film broadcasters to further grow talent, create jobs and boost local content production

“Local broadcasters are the grassroots of the TV industry in every country. By investing and partnering to train and upskill the producers and filmmakers, we can make a direct, immediate impact. The training has been curated and will be presented by industry leaders with the focus on training that is fit for purpose and meet the needs of the television stations in Zambia,” said Ms Matzuma. 

The MultiChoice Talent Factory is MultiChoice’s Corporate Social Responsibility. It is a shared-value initiative that provides a platform for the creative industries to develop their talent and engage with one another through their shared passions. 

It has a multi-tiered approach namely the MTF Portal, the MTF Academies and MTF Industry Masterclasses. 

Source: MultiChoice Zambia

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