MTN Mobile Money throws in a free Debonairs Pizza!

10358140_770592506317120_47The Mobile Money platform in Zambia is steadily growing and initiatives to maximize its use are being set up by all mobile operators on their mobile money platforms.

What’s MTN Mobile Money offering? They say a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach so hey, now you can get a free Debonairs pizza for using the service thanks to MTN.

All you have to do is pay for your large or standard size pizza with MTN Mobile Money and get another for free, only at Debonairs outlets. Just make sure you get a Merchant ID number (shown in table below) because you will need it when making payment.

Debonairs Outlet Merchant ID
Kabulonga debokab
Levy Park Debolp
Chilenje Debodpc
Down Town Debodt
Manda Hill Deboman
Makeni debomak
Foxdale debofox
Kitwe debokit
Ndola debondo
Mazubuka debomaz
Chipata debochip

Seems good until you realize the extra pizza is only limited to selected pizzas and you only get it after paying for a standard or large pizza but only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. So for those who like to eat pizza on any other day, you have to sadly stick to one. The rates for the transaction are below:

 Transaction range Self Service Fee (Registered User)
0.001 – 150 1
151 – 300 1.5
301 – 600 2.5
601 – 3000 3.5

I think it’s a great weekend meal, for pizza lovers, and they deliver to your home too (including the free pizza) so you don’t have to walk in-store, but first you have to pay using MTN Mobile Money. The promo started on the 15th of August and will run up to the 15th of November so I’m thinking this is a client acquisition move to get subscribers to sign up for Mobile Money and use it actively for various purposes in that 3 month period. You have to be a registered Mobile Money user to access the service.

How to pay for your Debonairs pizza with Mobile Money

The Mobile Money  service is already in use for payments like water, electricity and TV bills so the need to expand the service’s growth is vital for all 3 mobile operators to ease the lives of subscribers.

Airtel Money, Airtel Zambia’s mobile money service, already has an initiative of its own. Whenever you top up your airtime balance via Airtel Money, you get  25% bonus airtime of whatever amount over K1 of airtime that you top up with. You also get 5MB of internet data too.


What about Zamtel? Well, they are still setting up their mobile money platform so we can’t wait to see what they have that might beat the competition.

Have you tried out the service yet? Let us know in the comments below.

Image Credits: MTN Zambia 







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Tech Blogger & Marketer.