
MTN #335 services are down; Do Out Bundle rates apply?

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MTN data services are currently down, #335 services are unavailable. The services currently down are preventing users from buying new bundles. Several users have taken to MTN Zambia’s Facebook page to complain.

MTN Data Services Down
MTN Data Services Down

The inability to purchase data services is affecting all bundles from ad-hoc to data specials. MTN are yet to explain what the cause of the issue is. The impact of the outage is affecting users in 2 ways:

  • Cannot renew a bundle
  • Data usage is now at out of bundle rates

For users who have talk time we suggest, they turn off mobile data due to the cost of out of bundle data. To give you an example of the impact on your wallet:

  • K130.00 for 1GB
  • Out of Bundle Rate (OBR) is K1.00 per MB

With the current inability to buy a data bundle 1GB will now cost you K1024.00. I suggest you check your airtime balance using #114 and keep a close eye on it if you have exhausted your data bundle. If you experience out of bundle rates please let us know.

I hope MTN are tracking this problem and have a recourse for their users. MTN should get rid of OBR for this period to reduce the impact on their customers.

One thought on “MTN #335 services are down; Do Out Bundle rates apply?

  • Their system says you do not have a service type. This has happened to me before, months ago. Was unable to buy bundles for days. I decided to fix to my mess by going to their offices and having one of their agents send me data from their number. And I paid their agent for it. It worked. They say they have no idea how long it will take but they are working on it.

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