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Facebook Newsfeed now includes Events; Zambian promoters should get ready

promote-business-events-fac Want to know what’s happening in your hood? Well Facebook’s Events feature that lets you know about events that are coming up has now been integrated into the newsfeed. 10574682_1471895819727424_2 This has been in an effort to make it easier for companies to get their events across to a wider audience in the shortest time. If you have a Page on Facebook, you will be able to create an event ad and view its performance in terms of engagement with your target audience. You can even boost the ad if you want. According to the Facebook website, the event ad will enable you will be able to see insights on:

  • The number of people who’ve seen a link to the event on Facebook
  • The number of people who’ve viewed the event
  • The number of joins, saves and maybes the event has received

10173494_332011233625074_17 How does this benefit Zambia?

Well, events are set to be held as usual almost everyday. With this feature and the many Zambians now on Facebook (which is now even free on the Airtel network) promoters and businesses have a greater chance of being in people’s face so their events can be attended by more people than the other conventional methods like flyers and posters.

They are not just for business though, as long as you have a page on Facebook you can enjoy this feature and even promote it to enable it get more views depending on the regions you select.

Previously the events feature had a separate tab on your Facebook page screen but now they will appear as part of your newsfeed so it’s a win for people who host a lot of events and needed viewership.

Image Credit: EntrepreneurFacebook Business


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