Computicket Comes to Zambia


With an extremely large following in South Africa, the e-ticketing company which is under the Shoprite group of companies is slowly but surely entering the Zambian market, Computicket is based on having mobile electronic stands where the general public can purchase tickets for either events, concerts or travel.

Although still in its infant stages, the fact that Computicket has chosen Zambia to call home is a sign on its own that the old way of doing things here are soon to change. Computicket which has been largely adopted in South Africa has been successful in ticket sales within South Africa from events headlining international artists to selling bus and airline tickets. This could essentially mean change here in Zambia, we might start seeing more of these types of services popping up in the near future, but the question remains that would airlines, coach liners and retailers be willing to change the current system of physically having to go to their offices to purchase goods or will they conform.

As the first step toward infiltrating the Zambian market, Computicket will be hosting its first ever event here in Zambia, the event which is scheduled for the end of this month will feature a popularly known local musician Slap Dee and at the same time it will be a spectacle to show what Computicket is capable of and what they have planned for the country.


We are still yet to see how the introduction of Computicket to Zambia will influence the market but by the look of things, this step as an impressive move in advancing the online mobile shopping industry in Zambia, and this might even pave the way for online shopping by accustoming the general public to use such systems of purchasing instead of the old fashioned store walk-in.

Is it better to have an e-ticket than a paper one? Yes, and for the following reasons;

  • They are much convenient and cannot be stolen because your details are stored in a database. They are also great for when you’re prone to losing stuff.
  • You can buy them from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection. You can even buy them for someone else if you have all their necessary details.
  • Event owners can track their sales and reduce on theft by staff which usually happens with paper tickets which go “missing”.
  • Airlines can use them as well and now there is no reason not to check in with an e-ticket incase you forget your paper one.

Image Credits: Habari Media, Slap Dee

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  1. Good to know about compticketing please quicken up the site

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