It’s that time of the month again, when all entrepreneurs and business-minded people get excited to meet under one roof at Smuggler’s Inn. Startup Hour which is organised by Startup Junction is happening tomorrow from 17:00 hours to 19:30 hours at the usual spot, Smuggler’s Inn.
This month you get the chance to meet in-person Airtel Zambia Managing Director, Charity Lumpa, and Airtel Money Director, Brenda Bwalya-Thole.
As you all know, Airtel Zambia has been a leader in the telecommunications industry with skyrocketing mobile subscriber numbers. The company has also recently started venturing out into other arenas such as mobile money and life insurance.
Ms. Charity Lumpa happens to be the first female Managing Director of Airtel Zambia. Coincidentally, the Director of Airtel Money is also female. In an age where gender equality is being bemoaned, Startup Hour presents a perfect opportunity for aspiring female Managing Directors to network with experienced ones a this month’s Startup Hour. For instance, one could ask, does the glass ceiling exist for women in leadership in Zambia today?
Furthermore, if you have been wondering how Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can partner with Airtel Zambia in paving the Zambian economy forward or even just generating profits then you don’t want to miss this event tomorrow.
Networking opens up a vast ocean of opportunities, it is your call to swim in it and catch the fish! We will definitely be there as we absolutely cannot afford to miss mingling with other entrepreneurs. See you there!