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Airtel Zambia trains over 60 youths in mobile money banking

Airtel Networks Zambia Plc, in partnership with a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) called Economic Liberation Association (ELA) has trained over 60 youths in Chawama Compound in issues of financial literacy and Mobile Money banking.

The training comes at the back of Airtel’s robust Corporate Social Responsibility programs which also focus on empowering, enabling and unlocking the potential of future generations, especially the youth, to succeed and create wealth – social, financial and health.

The training which took place over the weekend to accommodate more youths, and was conducted by Airtel staff led by Airtel Money’s executive Harriet Muliokela drew participants from Kuku, Misisi, John Howard and Chawama areas who comprised mainly of school leavers, while others were students and other youths who had not reached Grade 12 but were nonetheless engaged in various forms of gainful self-employment such as hairdressing, barbershops, grocery attendants and cross-border trade businesses.

Speaking after the one day workshop, Airtel Networks Zambia Plc Head of Talent Development, Mr. Patrick Mainza, said Airtel would continue holding such trainings more so for the youth to supplement government efforts in driving the financial inclusion agenda as stipulated in the 7th National Development Plan.

“Youth employment, skills development, and entrepreneurship – these are areas that every African government has high on their agenda and it is our hope that in our small way, by teaching the youth more about mobile money banking we are adding to the impartation of skills which will help them run their businesses better and may even have opportunities, when they arise, to be given a chance to be agents under the Airtel umbrella,” Mr Mainza said.

And ELA General Secretary, Mr Mainda Simataa said his association would continue to have more of such seminars which encouraged entrepreneurship, financial literacy and self-reliance.

“We are happy that Airtel decided to come on board for this training and for the future we intend to segment our audiences into more concrete groups. Because of the richness of this training, we are already thinking of engaging the Zambia National Marketeers Association and other related associations for subsequent programs,” Mr Simataa said.

Source: Airtel Zambia