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DJ Psycho Tash’s 5 tips for the Perfect Selfie

Famous for being the #TheGirlNextDoor #Queenin on #JustAnotherDay, Psycho Tash (real name Natasha Mulenga) is a female DJ who knows how powerful social media is to connect with fans and friends. For those trying to take great selfies for their social media platforms, you’re lucky I picked her mind and find out her tricks on how she takes such awesome selfies. Here goes:

Psycho Tash: “So, my best friend clearly thinks I have this whole selfie game on 100. I mean, some wise person once said someone has to take one for the team and or the Gram. When you think about it, is there truly a perfect selfie? Many argue that iPhone or Samsung take the best selfies. I personally think it’s all about the following:

adwer1. Lighting

Good lighting, preferably natural light is always key when I take my selfies. I mean bronzer is great but nothing beats a natural glow from the sun and a good ol’ naughty.





jh2. Filters

Truthfully, this is not how I woke up but definitely after a few filter tryouts, it’s how I look now. LoL. Filters have the power to create the greatest illusions and well I think add to the perfect selfie. Disclaimer, do not overdo it.




3. Location

I love my carfies as much as the next driver with a good tint on their windows but they can often be disastrous because the lighting is limited. I love green grass and facing the sun on a hammock or on a picnic cloth. Bed selfies are a little obnoxious but I must say this is my comfort zone so I can try looking effortlessly beautiful hopefully.






4. Expressions


If you love selfies, you have to study your face a lot and see what best suits the captions you thought about when taking them.#BeYouTiful or #FunWithFaces, expressions sometimes paint a picture of your personality and hopefully creates that perfection for you




5. #BeYou

There are enough Kim Kardashians in the world. Be You. The perfect selfie is one that shows who you are quirky, big-nosed, big forehead, big lips etc. Embrace the features you cannot edit and make it known that you are aware of the parts misunderstood and just Go for it.





There you go, folks? For more check out her Facebook page DJ Psycho Tash.

Got more tips to share?  Comment below 🙂


Tech Blogger & Marketer.

2 thoughts on “DJ Psycho Tash’s 5 tips for the Perfect Selfie

  • How about The perfect selfie phone?? Some Phones just mess up the whole selfie

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