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Twitter will now filter abusive tweets and accounts


Twitter has shared some changes it is making to its safety measures on the social media platform to combat abusive content. It will do this in 3 ways:

  1. No more abusive accounts: if Twitter detects an account that was created solely to send hateful tweets or abusive speech to others, it will take it down and prevent the user from creating another one based on similar details he/she may use to set up an account.
  2. Searches will block sensitive content: if a tweet is determined to contain something sensitive or abusive by nature it will not appear in search results.
  3. Collapsing abusive and low-quality responses: if a tweet has abusive speech or could harm someone it will not show up as one of the top conversations.

Twitter says these new changes will start rolling out in the next few days.

“With every change, we’ll learn, iterate, and continue to move at this speed until we’ve made a significant impact that people can feel. We’re listening and want your feedback so we can learn faster, build smarter, and make meaningful progress.” – Twitter


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