Microsoft definitely bringing Office to the iPad.

Mock image for Office for iPad
Mock image for Office for iPad

In our previous post, we announced that Office will soon hit the iPad – Apple’s flagship tablet. News is now confirmed that today Microsoft will have a public launch event.

In his first major appearance as Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella will unveil a version of the company’s Office software for iPad. Apparently, avoiding Apple products and any sort of tie-ups with the Mac and iOS eco-system is thought to be costing Microsoft $2.5 billion a year. But is the change too little, too late?

However, these numbers were crunched, there is some truth in them seeing the unprecedented growth of the tablet market. Given Microsoft’s own Surface tablets have not been a hit, this is a no brainer and we only hope the usability and experience on iPad will not be compromised so as to get Apple Fanboys only a glimpse of Office. With Office365 now only, the package will now compete directly with Apple’s free Mac iWorks, iCloud and other applications. If any of the images floating around the blogasphere are actual screenshots. Be assured sparks will fly!

Office for Mobile - the Office365 version for iPad: true or false.
Office for Mobile – the Office365 version for iPad: true or false.

This is Microsoft’s most important product launch in many years, and we only hope that the pundits are right as they forecast better growth for the tech giant.

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