We all know how Zambia seems to come alive over the weekend and as a startup or established business, this is the best time to attract new clients and keep existing ones. The idea is not to sound too serious because think about it, it is the only time working class people (who have buying power and are most likely your target market) have time to rest, so tread lightly.
1. Keep it simple: Don’t shove long essays, graphs and diagrams that need deciphering at your social media base but instead use simple words/phrases or even pictures to carry out your message about your brand. Yes, keep it SIMPLE stupid!
2. Use the latest trending topic: Social Media always has something happening. Join in the conversation. Even if it has nothing to do with what you’re selling you’ll seem like one of the “cool kids” just for being a part of the trend. Riding a trend does not mean you even if you come to the party late, that you have to burn the midnight oil to get your fans to notice. Facebook pages are so 2010, but when done right – cover page, media and other design hacks – you can get your page the hive of weekend activity. New platforms like Instagram, WeChat and Pinterest can get you new audiences while keeping your facebook family and friends informed (sharing) and (re)tweeting to your followers. Don’t be the brand that gets lost in the hype – set trends!
3. Have courage: Don’t be afraid to use what everyone’s thinking but not saying. No great business was ever made by being extra cautious. Why not risk it all (ok not all, some) over the weekend when you’re guaranteed a larger audience that isn’t held down by work responsibilities? Recall social media is a double-edged sword, but you are damned if you don’t – it’s not catch 22!
4. Learn the art of being viral: If you want to avoid riding off another trending topic, create one yourself! There’s nothing like a great hashtag to set the tone. Choose it wisely and it should call in people from everywhere, and your brand could get some attention. This is what social media is all about. Getting the attention you deserve. If you’re a startup, create a hashtag (#) that embraces your newness. If you’re an established business, be creative. Not all the publicity you get is good, but then even bad publicity is some publicity.
5. Be worth the hype: Nothing amounts to a failed digital marketing campaign than creating excitement and hype on social media only to receive a shoddy product instead. This will divert attention as the conversation now goes to the bad experience customers get, their lack of knowledge or the complexities in accessing it. People will not buy a product that fails to meet their expectations. You have to be a marketing super-guru to pull that off. Zambians will take to social media and burn you. It has been done, especially to mobile operators, banks and restaurants. Just check their comments sections. Your product has to be something people cannot live without, otherwise they will go to your direct competitor who may not even have any social media pages at all! Have some quality and you will go beyond borders.
With those steps in place, you will have a market base so large you won’t even have to think about persuading clients. They’ll read through your tweets and other posts and reviews from customers and come flocking to you by themselves. Besides, the tweets over the weekend may turn into Monday business.
Like Rihanna sings “Cheers to the ———- weekend!”
Image Credit: MemeBurn, Businesses Grow,