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MTN and BongoHive sign MoU to onboard app developers

Credit: MTN
MTN Zambia CEO Charles Molapisi and BongoHive co-founder and Executive Director Lukonga Lindunda shake hands on MoU  (Image Credit: MTN)

Today, MTN Zambia signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with BongoHive, a hub for technology and innovation of young entrepreneurs in Zambia.

MTN Zambia CEO Charles Molapisi said, “MTN is of the view that many of our youths have great ideas and ability but are incapacitated by the lack of resource support, both infrastructural and monetary, required in developing and modelling ideas to aid economic break through.

The MTN initiative to partner with application developers, stems from the premise that telecommunications thrives on research on new products and services that enhance the lives of consumers and improve productivity and effectiveness. With over 5 million potential users, the market prospects are bright. This sponsorship will provide an enabling environment in which developers are able to conceptualise, and bring to life applications that not only make lives better for business enterprises and the masses, but are also money making ventures for the young people.”

Image Credit: MTN
Image Credit: MTN

The MoU is an agreement including the provision of unlimited internet access to BongoHive, mentoring and technical training for youth app developers, giving them a guide on the kind of applications to develop, and the developed apps to be integrated into the MTN Application Programmes Interface (APIs) and systems.

We agree. There is massive opportunities to gain from here. Are APIs the next profitable channel for mobile operators? You can read more about that here.


Tech Blogger & Marketer.

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