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FNB introduces smart device financing for customers

FNB Zambia has announced a new financing scheme for customers to purchase smart devices such as laptops and smartphones. You have to be an FNB customer to access this financing.

“The bank, has consistently been at the forefront of digital banking and a leader in the digital innovation space and we believe that Zambia’s digital migration drive and increasing adoption rates present the perfect conditions under which to launch this new offering.” says Leonard Haynes, FNB Zambia Chief Executive Officer.

As part of the offering, customers will be able to purchase up to 3 devices from a wide range of smart phones, laptops and tablets from leading brands in the market. These smart devices can be purchased at an affordable rate on fixed monthly payment plan over a twenty-four (24) month payment period and with added insurance cover.

Kabanda Lilanda, Head Retail, added that rapid advancements in digital migration, mobile penetration, tech-savvy customers and overall technological consumption are a wake-up call up call for organisations to either adapt or get left behind.

“The Smart Device offering came about as the result of in-depth customer research, a review of opportunities in the digital space and a passion for innovation that is deeply entrenched in the bank’s culture,” says Mr. Lilanda.

“The rapidly evolving tech market means that people are constantly looking for the newest and latest device to keep up with trends and enjoy improved functionality At FNB we are a digital bank and a pioneer in this space and it is our clear objective to make banking services smart, accessible, responsive and relevant,” he added.

Mr Lilanda also added that the country-wide upgrade to 4G connectivity and reduced data costs across the MNO sector has seen consumers upgrade both hardware and subscriptions to enjoy better and faster connectivity.

“When considered alongside limited availability of direct payment plans for individuals in the market, these developments present a clear-cut opportunity for FNB to drive its digital footprint,” he concluded.

FNB Zambia are working with local partners, a critical success component, to ensure full delivery on the offering and support local business in the process.

To take up this offering, all existing customers need to do is either call the FNB contact centre on 362 (all networks) or visit any branch nationwide.


Tech Blogger & Marketer.

5 thoughts on “FNB introduces smart device financing for customers

  • samuel kunda

    I need a phone

  • How does one acquire a Samsung note8

  • Comment *I need a phone and a laptop

  • Siame Henry

    I want to aquire an iPhone

  • how do one qualify for these loans am currently on savings with fnb

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