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CEC Liquid Telecom Zambia To Fibre Up Southern Zambia

Image Source: Liquid Telecom

At an estimated cost of $5 million, Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) Liquid Telecom is set to link up the Southern province with fibre optic connectivity. It will run from Lusaka to Livingstone’s Victoria Falls and is expected to be completed by June this year.

According to the Liquid Telecom website, “the new link will start in Lusaka, transiting through eight southern circuit towns, including Kafue, Mazabuka, Monze, Choma and Kalomo, terminating at Victoria Falls in Livingstone,” as shown in the map above.

This link will then connect to the Liquid Telecom’s network in Zimbabwe , obviously for continuity’s sake, so there are no uncovered areas.

About the extended coverage, Andrew Kapula, who is CEC Liquid Telecom Zambia Managing Director, said “the Southern part of Zambia, along the economic zone from Lusaka via transit towns to Livingstone, has lagged behind in terms of access to quality ICT services. Our new fibre link will provide much needed capacity in the area. We are investing heavily in Zambia as part of our goal to build Africa’s digital future. We believe in the power of connectivity to transform lives and our goal is to connect as many people in Africa as possible.”

This is great news for Zambia, the southern part especially considering it is a tourist destination with people from all over the world who come for holidays and need reasonably fast internet connectivity to talk back to their loved ones back home, and for businesses as well that run on broadband processes to operate smoothly.

According to Liquid Telecom’s website, further expansion is expected into Kazungula and Sesheke using their links in Namibia and Botswana.

Here’s to broadband and beyond!


Tech Blogger & Marketer.